Personal data and data storage

Data and files, stored by customers in their Learn365 solution, are stored in a dedicated SQL database and the Azure Blob Storage that are specific for each customer. In this way, customers will only be able to see their own content. The dedicated SQL database and the Azure Blob Storage are located in the region that was selected by the customer during the installation of Learn365.

All other content, such as Word documents, PowerPoints, PDFs, Stream videos, etc. as used in the Learn365 learning modules, quizzes, and assignments, are stored either in the Azure Blob Storage or in the customer’s own Microsoft 365 SharePoint Online tenant. See the Content storage section for more information.

Data and files are operated by the Learn365 product but are only accessible by the customer.

In this article, we'll cover the storage of data and files in Learn365.


In this article:


Personal data stored outside of Microsoft 365

Learn365 is built on Microsoft Azure and the personal data we collect is stored securely in the Microsoft Azure platform. Each customer’s data is stored in a dedicated Azure SQL database in the Data Center location selected by the respective customer doing the installation.

These Databases are hosted in the Learn365 Microsoft Azure subscription meaning that they are managed by Zensai/EFI:

  • Account Name
  • User Display Name
  • Email Address
  • Department
  • Job Title
  • Office
  • Country
  • City
  • Manager ID/Email
  • Training Records *

* Training Records consist of information about which training a Learner have enrolled into, started and/or completed historically. This includes information about pass/fail information of any assessments as well as assessment scores if used.

NOTE: No personal data will ever be used or shared by Zensai/EFI and/or Partners in respect to marketing or any other purpose.


Data storage

Learn365 provisions a dedicated database for each customer in which all learner records are stored. Having a dedicated database ensures that no data will be accessible/visible to other customers.


Content storage

SCORM & AICC packages are stored in Azure Shared Blob Storage. For each customer tenant, a separate container is created in the Data Center location which is selected by the respective customer during the installation of Learn365.

Access to these containers is secured by Azure Shared Access Signatures. In this way, customers will only be able to see their own content. 

Course and template certificates, as well as files uploaded to support learner assessments, are stored in Azure Shared Blob Storage. Customers will only be able to see their own content.


All other content such as Word Documents, PowerPoints, PDFs, Stream Videos, etc. as used in the Learning Module Builder, Quizzes, and Assignments are stored either in the Azure Blob Storage or in the customer’s own Microsoft 365 SharePoint Online tenant. Storage for assets (any documents, videos, or images uploaded in the Learn365 Admin Center via the rich text editor, for example, in training or learning module descriptions) depends on whether a course was copied or created from scratch, and the date of its creation:

  • Assets for courses created after September 16, 2024 are stored in the Azure Blob Storage.
  • If a course was created before September 16, 2024 and was copied within the same catalog, catalog-level assets of the copied course remain in the Microsoft SharePoint storage. Course-level assets are moved to the Azure Blob Storage. All assets in the original course remain in the Microsoft SharePoint storage.
  • If a course was created before September 16, 2024 and was copied across catalogs, all assets in the copied course are stored in the Azure Blob Storage. All assets in the original course remain in the Microsoft SharePoint storage.


Technical support telemetry

To improve technical support investigations, we track requests done to Learn365 using Microsoft Azure Application Insights. In the requests we register, the following personal data is stored:

  • User login name (for example, email address)

Microsoft Azure Application Insight data is secured and is only kept for 90 days after which it's deleted automatically by Microsoft.


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